Question Words

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  • ป้ายกำกับ:
  • Who Wie vee Where Waar vahr
    What Wat vaht Where to Waar... naartoe vahr nahr-too
    Why Waarom vah-rohm Where from Waar... vandaan vahr vun-dahn
    When Wanneer vah-nayr Which Welk(e) velk(-uh)
    How Hoe hoo Isn't it?, etc. Niet waar? neet vahr
    Welk is used before het words, and welke is used before de words and plural nouns. Niet waar is a tag question, and is added to the end of statements to make them questions. It can translate several ways into English: isn't it?, doesn't it?, isn't he?, doesn't he?, isn't she?, doesn't she?, aren't we?, don't we?, aren't they?, don't they?, aren't you?, don't you?, right?, yes?, etc.

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