Infinitive Constructions

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  • Some verbs require a preposition before an infinitive in Dutch, while others do not. This is true in English as well; e.g. I want to leave vs. I can read. Verbs that do not require te before an infinitive include: modal verbs, blijven, laten, zullen, zien (to see), horen (to hear), voelen (to feel), komen, gaan, vinden (to find), leren (to teach), and helpen.

    Ik kan komen. I can come.
    Het zal morgen regenen.
    It will rain tomorrow.
    Zij gaat iedere dag zwemmen.
    She goes swimming everyday.

    The preposition used in Dutch is te, although the om... te construction can also be used. Verbs that use only te before an infinitive include: zitten, staan, liggen, lopen (to walk), beginnen, proberen (to try), durven (to dare), hoeven (to need), weten. And after these prepositions, te is used before an infinitive: zonder (without), in plaats van (instead of), and door (by.) When using om...te, all adjectives, adverbs, objects, and expressions of time, manner and place are placed between om and te. Om... te is always used when the infinitive occurs at the beginning of the sentence, and when the infinitive refers to a preceding noun.

    Hij stond op de bus te wachten. He stood waiting for the bus.
    Het begint te regenen. It's beginning to rain.
    Ik zei het zonder te denken. I said it without thinking.
    Het is erg moeilijk om te doen. It is very difficult to do.
    Hoeveel kost het om hier te parkeren? How much is it to park here?
    Het is een interessant programma om naar te kijken. It is an interesting program to watch.

    English infinitives that follow an object are translated into clauses using conjunctions in Dutch.

    Zij verwacht dat ik kom. She is expecting me to come. (Literally: She expects that I come.)

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