Irregular Stems in Simple Past Tense

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  • For some verbs, the internal vowel of the stem changes in the past tense. The stem with the changed vowel then acts as the past tense for all persons of the singular, while the plural adds -en to the changed stem. In addition, there are some irregular verbs that change more than the vowel, but still add nothing for the singular and -en for the plural.

    ik, jij, u, hij, zij wij, jullie, zij
    zijn - to be was waren
    hebben - to have had hadden
    gaan - to go ging gingen
    weten - to know wist wisten
    denken - to think dacht dachten
    blijven - to stay bleef bleven
    drinken - to drink dronk dronken
    eten - to eat at aten
    breken - to break brak braken
    bijten - to bite beet beten
    gieten - to pour goot goten

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